United States
Senate document volume 105-11
Senate document volume 111-4
Senate document volume 109-17
A veritable classic about discipline, teamwork and leadership, Warfighting (MCDP1) is clear, concise and to the point, the book boldly explains the code of conduct and moral quality of a Marine. Whether you are in the military, a business person, project manager or a mother of three, this book will help you achieve your goals without toiling more than necessary. No recipes, just attitude. The message delivered, if taken as a how-to-book, empowers
...There are currently more than 200,000 active-duty U. S. Marines and another 40,000 in the reserves. These Marines depend on the skills and techniques taught in this concise manual—and now you can too! Today's Marines operate in conflict situations that change from low intensity to high intensity over a matter of hours. This fully-illustrated guide features both the lethal and nonlethal techniques needed to responsibly handle any situation
...The U.S. Army / Marine Corps Counterinsurgency Field Manual was written to fill that void. The result...