Change in the novel : Rex Warner, Graham Green, Charles Williams
Herbert Read and his friends : especially Henry Treece, Alex Comfort, and David Gascoyne
The Impact of Joyce : especially on George Barker and Dylan Thomas
The Poetic influence of Charles Williams : on Anne Ridler, Norman Nicholson, Sidney Keyes, and John Heath-Stubbs
Beyond the waste land : in the poetry of T.S. Eliot, Sidney Keyes, and John Heath-Stubbs
Songs of the cold : by Edith Sitwell and Kathleen Raine
Changing standards of criticism : the gap between art and serious thinking at the beginning of the century. 'Significant form'. I.A. Richards and 'Scrutiny'. The Left decate. A new public and new methods
Change in the modern mind : from political and economic problems to the quality of human living. The fourth temptation in 'Murder in the Cathedral'. Conversation upon existential issues. A Pagan spiritualism and a Christian materialism.