1. The Function of Political Parties: A Critique of the Literature and the Approach --
2. Political Parties in Western Democracies: Some Sceptical Reflections --
3. Political Parties: The Functional Approach and the Structural Alternative --
4. Formalizing and Testing Durverger's Theories on Political Parties --
5. On the Theory of Party Organization --
6. Dominant Coalition and Organizational Stability --
7. The "Paradox of Enrollment": Assessing the Costs and Benefits of Party Memberships --
8. The Evolution of Party Organizations in Europe: The Three Faces of Party Organization --
9. Opinion Structure of Political Parties: The Special Law of Curvilinear Disparity --
10. The Internal Politics of Parties: The Law of Curvilinear Disparity Revisited --
11. Factionalism in West European Parties: A Framework for Analysis --
12. Formation and Success of New Parties: A Cross-National Analysis --
13. New Politics and Party Systems: The Emergence of a New Type of Party? --
14. The Silent Counter-Revolution: Hypotheses on the Emergence of Extreme Right-wing Parties in Europe --
15. Party Decline in the West: A Skeptic's View --
16. An Integrated Theory of Party Goals and Party Change --
17. Recasting Social Democracy in Europe: A Nested Games Explanation of Strategic Adjustment in Political Parties --
18. Class Structure and Social Democratic Party Strategy --
19. Party System Change: The Catch-all Thesis Revisited --
20. Changing Models of Party Organization and Party Democracy: The Emergence of the Cartel Party --
21. Activist-Leader Relations and the Structure of Political Parties: "Exchange" Models and Vote-Seeking Behaviour in Parties --
22. Parties, Programs and Policies: A Comparative and Theoretical Perspective --
23. Political Parties and Macroeconomic Policy --