Accommodation: cages and equipment
Controlling the environment
Caecilians, newts and salamanders
Cryptobranchidae: giant salamanders
Salamandridae: newts, fire salamanders and related species
Ambystomatidae: axlotl and mole salamanders
Plethodontidae: lungless salamanders
Discoglossidae: painted frogs and related species
Pipidae: clawed frogs and related species
Pelobatidae: spadefoot toads
Rhinodermatidae: mouth-brooding frogs
Leptodactylidae: leptodactylid frogs
Dendrobatidae: poison-dart frogs
Ranidae: pond frogs and related species
Hyperoliidae: reed frogs, bush frogs and related species
Rhacophoridae: foam-nest tree frogs
Microhylidae: narrow-mouthed frogs.