Aesthetics and language in art education
The case for aesthetics / F.E. Sparshott
The structure of knowledge in the arts / Harry S. Broudy
The logic of teaching in the arts / B. Othanel Smith
Research as the verification of aesthetics / Edmund B. Feldman
The problem of definition
The work of art / Max Black
The role of theory in aesthetics / Morris Weitz
The task of defining a work of art / Paul Ziff
Definitions in education / Israel Scheffler
Problems of art; The meaning of 'aesthetic' / John Hospers
What makes a situation aesthetic? / J.O. Urmson
On Dewey's aesthetics / D.W. Gotshalk
On the creation of art / Monroe C. Beardsley
Visual metaphors of value in art / E.H. Gombrich
The problem of explanation
Explanation and art history / Leonard F. Swift
The history of art as a humanistic discipline / Erwin Panofsky
Toward a unified field in critical studies / Walter Abell
Levels of explanation in the history of art / Thomas Munro
The scope and limitations of a sociology of art / Arnold Hauser
Style; Explanation, art criticism, and norms / James S. Ackerman
Aesthetics and criticism / Monroe C. Beardsley
Critical evaluation / Monroe C. Beardsley
Aesthetic concepts / Frank Sibley
Art criticism / D.W. Gotshalk
The educative function of criticism / Jerome Stolnitz
Criticism and the problem of intention / Richard Kuhns
The historian as critic / James S. Ackerman
The problem of defining, explaining, and evaluating new media: film
Style and medium in the motion pictures / Erwin Panofsky
What Hollywood can do / James Agee
Movie chronicle: the westerner / Robert Warshow
"The desperate hours" and the violent screen / Martin S. Dworkin
The puzzling movies: their appeal / Norman N. Holland
"The family of man" / Martin S. Dworkin
"The vanishing diary of Anne Frank" / Martin S. Dworkin
The criticism of criticism / Thomas Munro
A questionnaire for picture analysis / Thomas Munro
The categories of painting criticism / Monroe C. Beardsley
Parts of the cinema / Robert Gessner.