Foreword / William A. Smith
The battle of racial battle fatigue / Nicholas D. Hartlep and Daisy Ball
The racialized experiences of African Americans in U.S. Higher education. Double consciousness and racial battle fatigue at a community college: a peculiar sensation / Robin R. Ford
Teaching while black: my experience as a faculty member at a predominantly white institution / Robert T. Palmer
I feel no ways tired: the exhaustion from battling the pathology of whiteness / Cleveland Hayes
The racialized experiences of Asian Americans in U.S. higher education. Navigating weird comments, stereotypes and microaggressions as Southeast Asian american faculty at a predominantly white community college / Andrew Cho and Sopang "Pang" Men
When you name a problem, you become the problem: (en)countering whiteness at a small, liberal arts college as a South Asian American tenured professor / Nita Chikkatur
Ignored, pacified, and deflected: racial battle fatigue for an Asian American non-tenure track professor / Takumi C. Sato
The racialized experiences of Latinx in U.S. higher education. Intersectional competence within a diverse Latinx community: conceptualizing differences at a Hispanic serving institution / Mildred Boveda
"Counterspaces" and mentorship as resources for immigrant faculty of color facing racial battle fatigue / Nadia I. Martínez-Carrillo
At the intersection of gender and race: stories from the academic career of a recovering sociologist / Pamela Anne Quiroz
The politicized experiences of Native Americans in U.S. higher education. Tribal college American Indian faculty perspectives on sub-oppression, racial microaggression / Shandin H. Pete and Salisha A. Old Bull
Research and resistance: reasons for indigenous research methodologies / Dawn Quigley
Recommendations to support indigenous faculty / Jameson D. Lopez
The racialized experiences of people of color in diversity-related faculty fellow positions and non-tenure-track positions in U.S. higher education. The convenient, invisible, token-diversity hire: a black woman's experience in academia / Paula R. Buchanan
Experiencing Ellison's "Battle royal" in higher education / Martel A. Pipkins
Ivory tower respectability and el estado de estar harta / Sayil Camacho
Paying professional taxes: academic labor cost for faculty of color and indigenous faculty / Noelle W. Arnold.