Kumulationen und konfigurationen : cumulations and configurations / Renate Puvogel
Natur erfassen = harnessing nature / Matthew Yokobosky
= Eintauchen : Matthew McCaslin's "Natur erfassen" = Immersion : Matthew McCaslin's "Harnessing nature" / Charles Wylie
Site nonsite in the city of Berne / Konrad Bitterli
Verdrahtet : Matthew McCaslins umwertung der elektrizität = Wired : Matthew McCaslin's reconsideration of electricity / Robert Hobbs
Systemsurfer = surfing in a system / Roland Wäspe
Tempus fugit : zum aspekt der zeit in Matthew McCaslins werk tempus fugit = On the aspect of time in Matthew McCaslin's work / Jan Winkelmann.