Three little fishes (1:32)
Sing a song of sixpence (:46)
Down by the station (1:41)
Jack and the beanstalk (1:32)
Sing ho for the life of a bear (1:23)
Man on the flying trapeze (1:34)
Skida marink-a-dink (1:27)
Ring around the rosy (:43)
This is the house that Jack built (2:03)
Marching along together (1:29)
Pee Wee the kiwi bird (3:13)
Old Mother Hubbard (1:35)
Mary had a little lamb (1:43)
Row-row-row your boat (3:05)
Icka backa soda cracka (1:35)
Green grass grew all around (3:38)
John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt (:54)
A B C tumble down D (1:05)
A tisket, a tasket (1:00)
Here we go 'round the mulberry bush (1:18)
Boom boom ain't it great to be crazy (:19).