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Gathering perspectives of musical talent from the psychological, musical, and educational fields, Kindling the Spark is the only single sourcebook that defines musical talent and provides practical strategies for identifying and nurturing it. Joanne Haroutounian uses her experience as teacher,researcher, and parent to clarify central issues concerning talent recognition and development in a way that will easily appeal to a wide audience. The book
...Take your voice to the next level and grow as a performer
Whether you're a beginning vocalist or a seasoned songster, Singing for Dummies makes it easy for you to achieve your songbird dreams. This practical guide gives you step-by-step instructions and lots of helpful tips, hints, vocal exercises, reminders, and warnings for both men and women, including advice on the mechanics of singing, discovering your singing voice, developing
...Children are naturally musical, but many parents don't know when or how to begin their child's formal musical education. Whether you wish to encourage your child's musical growth or would like to plan more advanced study, this book provides insight and guidance for parents of children from toddlers to teenagers. The authors walk you through the basics of finding the right instrument and instructor for your child, the ins and outs of music lessons,